A Beautiful Melody

Recently, I stumbled upon “Olivver the Kid,” an amazing musician. While what he plays isn’t super complicated, his music does appeal to me. One song, in particular, stuck out to me. This song is “4 AM.” This song has one of the best acoustic guitar melodies I’ve heard in years.

More Instagram Marketing Tips For Guitarists

Instagram is a great tool to build a personal following and promote your music. There are many strategies for approaching Instagram marketing. In this blog post some more tips for growing your account will be discussed. I recommend you read the first blog on this topic as well.

Is Music A Competition?

Recently, I had a thought about music. It wasn’t one of those strange thoughts that keeps you up at night like “Aren’t cup holders just cups for cups?” It was a little more useful. It was a new way for me to see music.
”Music is not a competition, it is a collaboration.”

The 50/50 Rule

Making music is what many people are made to do. Many musicians spend countless hours perfecting their songs. As creatives, the fun part is creating music. The more difficult, and arguably, less interesting aspect of music is the music promotion. It is easier to spend more time on the creation process than the marketing of the music. How do you know how much time and energy you should put into each area?

Reading Notation: Bass Clef and Note Duration

Why Read Notation? Many professional musicians are quoted saying that they do not know how to read music or that they do not music theory. That might seem glamorous, not knowing theory and being a pro. However, if you want to be a pro, you will most likely benefit from knowing theory and notation. ReadingContinueContinue reading “Reading Notation: Bass Clef and Note Duration”

The Biggest Marketing Mistakes Musicians Make

So you’re a musician, you might be trying to promote your music online. There are a lot of aspects of social media that one has to learn to master it. Learning the each platform is a process. This is a quick blog post that may help you avoid some common mistakes people make and that I see very frequently.

Feeling Stuck – The Musician’s Mindset #3

Maybe you’re in the process of making a big life decision. Maybe you’re deciding where you’ll go to college, applying for a job, or trying to start a business. Regardless, this message from someone in the thick of it;

Streaming Services Don’t Pay Musicians

Spotify and Amazon are opposing giving artists more money for their songs. As a musician, that might seem pretty corrupt. Whether or not you agree, you should take a look at these aspects.

Sing Your Heart Out – The Musician’s Mindset #2

This week I want you to sing your heart out. I am set on being a professional musician. You might be the same way. You’d like to be playing gigs daily and making a living from music. In all honesty, instrumentals don’t work for gigs.

The Start of Something New – The Musician’s Mindset #0

Welcome to The Musician’s Mindset, a new weekly blog form, where I will discuss everything I am doing to become a better musician and improve myself as a person while also giving you advice and challenges to improve along side me.

Podcast #4 – Women That Rock

In this episode of the Shred ‘Till You’re Dead Podcast, Andie, creator of Women That Rock, discusses what Women That Rock is, her advice for women in the industry, people she thinks are making a difference in the world, ESP Guitars, and more.